How I feel about cold weather 

How do you feel about cold weather?

I’m not a fan, I like warm weather not too warm but not too cold. I don’t like extremely cold temperatures. I find my bone start hurting when it’s too cold. 

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

16 thoughts on “How I feel about cold weather ”

  1. I don’t like cold weather either. Even if I am layered up accordingly.
    My some joints can hurt in the cold. Plus I have Raynaud’s.


      1. Yes. I have had it from a young age. But it wasn’t until my 20s when I suspected what it was and later, eventually I went to the doctors about it because someone was getting on at me at the time to go.
        Me, knowing what could be done to help, I was already doing. The other option was tablets, which I did not want and so I did not see the point of me going. So I just brought it up at one doctors appointment when I went about something else. She confirmed it was. Told me I am doing what I already can. But she said as you know there is tablets, which we can offer that you don’t want. So just carry on what I am doing. If I ever change my mind about the tablets, to come back.
        I will carry on as how I am doing.
        I then went and confirmed what I already knew to the person that ptessured me to go to doctors and said can we shut up about it now. 😂

        As long as I keep warm well as I can. And it’s not too freezing, I can limit any possible pain from it. But there are times I may get a bit of pain. My right hand especially. And my toes, they go numb. X


  2. I would be happy if it was 80 degrees year around and only rained during the night. That would be perfect.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥


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