I emerge a survivor

In the darkness, I found nothing but pain

A sense of innocence lost, like grains of sand in the rain

Stolen from me, my heart and my soul

Leaving only trauma, a heavy toll

The drama of memories, a constant refrain

A monster lurking, evil’s cruel stain

It haunts me still, a lingering fear

A reminder of all that’s been taken dear

Feelings once pure, now tainted and worn

Like a web of deceit, forever forlorn

I’m left to cope with the weight of my past

A survivor of horrors that will forever last

But still I rise, through the darkness and pain

I learn to face my demons, to heal and to gain

I’ll not let the monster define my name

I’ll find my strength, my voice, my claim to fame

For though it stole my innocence and my peace

It will not take away my inner release

I’ll find my way out of the web of despair

And emerge a survivor, with scars to share

Written for Jim’s Thursday inspiration prompt…where our prompt word is nothing.


Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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