Allergy season

Summer’s heat, so warm and bright

But for me, it brings a different fight

Allergies rage, a constant test

My body protests, my skin a mess

The pollen count is high and free

A storm of irritation, for me to see

My eyes itch, my nose runs red

I’m a slave to tissues, my constant dread

The sun beats down, a scorching glare

My skin feels tight, my scalp’s aflare

The heat makes my allergies worse, it’s true

A never-ending battle, for me to get through

The grass and weeds, they start to grow

And with them comes the allergens’ toll to show

I sniffle, I sneeze, I rub my eyes

Trying to calm the chaos, as the allergens rise

But still I yearn for summer’s delight

The sunshine warm, the days so bright

To enjoy the world, without this constant fear

To breathe freely, without a single tear

So I’ll soldier on, through the heat and the haze

And hope that soon, the seasons will change their ways

And I’ll be free from this allergy’s grasp

And summer’s warmth, will be a gentle caress.

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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