MTB: Fragments poetry

Poetry Prompt: Pick a Fragment by selecting up to 13 consecutive lines

§ from a published poet (can even be a fragment poem)

§ OR from an unpublished draft of yours

§ OR from one of your own poems

Poetry Style: Integrate this fragment into a new poem but keep the line order

§ scatter throughout your poem as broken lines, disjointed words etc, with gaps, pauses etc

§ OR Write your poem alongside the fragmentary parts, as though they are dialoguing

The lines I chose from my own poem are:

I am a puzzle

with pieces that don’t fit

every way you try

you will get nowhere with it

the whole picture is not shown

on the box or it’s lid

and I hate to tell the truth

I’ve been this way since I was a kid


Here is my response to the prompt!

I am a puzzle, worn and old

With pieces that don’t fit, stories untold

A kaleidoscope of fractured dreams

Where fragments of me scatter, like autumn’s leaves

Alters emerge, like ghosts in the night

Whispers of a self, in disarray and flight

Dissociation’s veil, a shield from the pain

A coping mechanism, to survive the strain

But healing is a path, I’ve yet to choose

A journey to reclaim, the fragments that bruise

To mend the cracks, and piece together the soul

To reveal the picture, hidden beneath the goal

I’ve been this way since I was a kid

A puzzle with missing parts, a story left unsaid

And yet, I’m still searching, for the truth I hide

For the whole picture, that lies beneath my disguise

In the mirror’s gaze, I see a stranger’s face

A reflection of the fragmentation, in this endless space

But I’ll keep on searching, for the way to mend

The puzzle that is me, with pieces that transcend

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

22 thoughts on “MTB: Fragments poetry”

  1. Your use of fragment poetry to reflect on a fragmented life, “a puzzle with missing parts” works beautifully, Carol Anne. I love too how the poetry form itself acts as a metaphor for “searching” for “the whole picture,” “to mend the puzzle that is me.”


  2. “In the mirror’s gaze, I see a stranger’s face”

    yes indeed, the mirror does not give the inside view

    Nice one



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