Announcement: 2 groups for did and RA survivors

Hi everyone
I have an announcement to make.
First, my did support group, for survivors who have a dissociative disorder, ptsd, or those who are trauma survivors is available to anyone wishing to join.
It is a small group, we’re a group of about 25 members, from all over the world.
We are like a family, it is a safe place to come and discuss your daily life, issues around trauma and did ptsd, your ups and downs, and triumphs or victories.
We basically talk about anything and everything, nothing is off limits.
The did support group has been around since 2003.
We started on yahoogroups, and now we’re on
If you’d like to become a member, you either need to be a trauma survivor with did, ptsd, dissociative disorder DDNOS or another dissociative disorder.
We welcome all survivors!
Email me if you want to join at

And now for my major announcement!
I am going to be starting a group for european ritual abuse survivors!
This is all new to me, but I figured it would be a good idea.
There is not many support groups for those outside of the USA!
This one is going to meet weekly!
We will be meeting over zoon, but I have to firm up some details so, if you want to be part of my group…do email me!
You have to be from europe, a survivor of did, RA MC and have did or ptsd!
if your interested in joining!
If you have any questions for me about either of the groups, do email me!