I live with complex PTSD

In the depths of my soul, a war rages on

A constant echo of a past that’s long gone

Memories of pain, of fear and of flight

Haunting me still, like a persistent light

My mind is a maze, a twisted, dark place

Where shadows lurk, and demons roam with ease

Each step I take, a minefield I navigate

Never knowing when the next trigger will detonate

The world outside is loud, a cacophony of sound

But in my head, a deafening silence is found

A silence that screams with every step I take

A reminder of the hell that I’ve had to make

I try to move on, to leave the past behind

But it clings to me like a heavy chain that’s hard to unwind

The weight of it all, a crushing load

A burden that I carry, as I trudge through each day’s toll

Complex PTSD, a demon that I’ve known

A constant companion, forever at my tone

It whispers lies, and fuels my deepest fears

Reminding me of the scars that bring me tears

But still I rise, though wounded and worn

I find solace in the darkness, and learn to be reborn

I face my demons, one by one by one

And slowly but surely, I begin to have some fun

I find my voice, and use it loud and clear

To speak out against the silences that hold me here

I learn to set boundaries, and prioritize my care

And slowly but surely, I start to heal and repair

It’s a journey long, with many twists and turns

But I’m determined to rise above the burns

I’ll face my complex PTSD, head-on and strong

And emerge from the ashes, where I belong.