Writers workshop prompt for June 27th

This week I am going with write a post using the word ignore. Check out John’s post below to join in!


In the darkness, I try to ignore

The lies that whispered, "You’re not enough"

But the pain lingers, a constant roar

A reminder of the trauma’s rough touch

The monster that haunts, a constant guest

Flashes of the past, forever etched in my chest

Flashbacks that assault, like a never-ending test

Leaving me shattered, forever repressed

The evil that was done, a weight I can’t shake

The feelings of shame, a burden I can’t take

PTSD’s grip is tight, a constant ache

Isolation my refuge, my heart at stake

But then I see the light, a glimmer of hope

A chance to heal, to mend and cope

To survive the nightmares, to face the past’s dark scope

To find my voice, to break free from the monster’s hold

I’ll shine a light on the darkness that’s been told

I’ll speak my truth, and let my feelings unfold

I’ll rise above the lies, and let my spirit be bold

And though the scars will remain, I’ll learn to be whole

Forever changed by the past’s dark hand

I’ll carry its weight, but also its stand

For in the light of healing, I’ll find my way

To forgive and move forward, come what may