A Guardian of the Soul

In the depths of my being, a guardian lies asleep

A sentinel of strength, where trauma’s scars do creep

A survivor of the past, I’ve faced the darkest night

And emerged alive, though battered and worn in sight

My mind a maze of turmoil, where demons love to roam

But courage whispers secrets, of a resilience to call home

For I’ve learned to face the shadows, to confront the pain

And find solace in the silence, where healing’s balm remains

In this battlefield of mental health, I’ve fought my share

Of battles fierce and weary, with scars to show I care

But still I stand, a warrior worn but unbroken

A testament to resilience, my heart still beating unspoken

The past may have left its mark, but I’ve learned to live

With the weight of its memories, and the scars that give

A reminder of my strength, a badge of honor worn

A symbol of my courage, forever reborn

I am a guardian of my soul, a sentinel of my heart

A survivor of the turmoil, a warrior who’s played her part

I am alive, and with each breath, I’ll rise above the pain

And in the stillness of my mind, find solace and love again.
