The dark of night

In the dark of night, I wander lost and alone

Where shadows dance and whispers are my only tone

Fear creeps in, a chill that grips my heart

As every creak and groan a new terror to impart

The weight of darkness bears down on me like a stone

I struggle to breathe, my breath a laboured moan

Distress wraps around me like a shroud of pain

As I cry out for help, but only silence remains

But still I fight, though weary and worn

For in the depths of darkness, a spark is born

A flame that flickers bright, a beacon in the night

A symbol of hope, a guide to the light

I push on through the shadows, one step at a time

Surviving the darkness, one moment at a time

Though fear may grip me tight, I will not give in

For in the morning’s light, a new dawn will begin

And when the sun rises high and bright

I’ll find my strength, my heart will take flight

The night’s dark grip will loosen its hold

And I’ll emerge stronger, my spirit bold

For I am a warrior, forged in the fire’s heat

I’ll face my fears, and rise above the street

I’ll conquer the darkness, and claim my right

To live and love and laugh, in the light of day and night.