All that jazz

In the depths of turmoil, where darkness reigns

A wounded soul, with scars that remain

The echoes of trauma, a painful refrain

A constant reminder of the pain and the strain

But in the midst of all that jazz, a spark is found

A flame that flickers, a light that’s profound

It’s the wisdom of the heart, a guiding way

To navigate the chaos, night and day

With every step, with every breath

The inner strength is built, the healing begins to seep

Like a slow-moving river, it winds its way

Through the labyrinth of the mind, to bring new light of day

Coping mechanisms form, a shield to defend

Against the demons that threaten to descend

But mental illness whispers sweet nothings in our ear

A constant reminder that we’re not alone, we’re not unique, we’re dear

Yet even in this darkness, there’s a glimmer of courage found

A resilience that rises, like a phoenix from the ground

For we’ve faced our fears, and we’ve stood our ground

And in that standing, we’ve discovered wisdom profound

Healing is not linear, it’s a winding road

A path that’s fraught with twists and turns to unload

But with each step forward, with each breath we take

We’re one step closer to breaking free from the weight

So let’s hold onto hope, like a lifeline to our soul

And trust that healing will come, like a gentle summer breeze to unfold

For with time and patience, with love and care

We’ll rise above the turmoil, and find our inner strength to share.