I like giving back to my community

I used to think I wanted a career in social work. Then I studied it and I found out that it wasn’t really for me. I didn’t really like it that much after all.

I tried early childhood education. I did enjoy that, it was interesting learning about the different theories of early years education, play, etc.

A few years ago I decided that since I was volunteering for friendly call, which is a befriending service, that I’d go back to college to study and so I enrolled in a course called mental health in the community.

It was a very interesting course which I learned a lot from and at the end of it I got a diploma.

Today, I’m still volunteering, I get so much out of volunteering, and while I don’t get paid for my time, I still am very glad that I decided 5 years ago to volunteer. It has been one of the best experiences, one of the most rewarding experiences in my life.
