Desperation and despair

I am joining in with Di’s 3 things prompt. Today’s words are:

Cry, Wail, Sob

Check out Di’s prompt below and join in!

As I lay on the cold, hard ground, I felt my body shake with a deep and primal wail. The weight of my despair was crushing me, suffocating me, and I couldn’t catch my breath. Tears streamed down my face as I sobbed uncontrollably, my chest heaving with each ragged breath.

I felt lost and alone in this desolate landscape, abandoned by the world and left to face the darkness within myself. The silence was oppressive, a heavy shroud that wrapped around me like a cold, wet blanket. I was consumed by a sense of hopelessness, a feeling that I would never find my way out of this abyss of sadness.

Afraid to face the darkness that lurked within me, I trembled with fear as I gazed into the void. My vulnerability was exposed, laid bare for the world to see, and I felt powerless to stop it. Depression had taken hold of me, wrapping its icy fingers around my heart and squeezing tight.

As the tears continued to fall, I felt myself becoming one with the sadness that had taken up residence within me. It was a heavy, crushing burden that threatened to consume me whole. And in that moment, I knew that I was completely alone, lost in a sea of despair.

But even as the darkness seemed to close in around me, a small spark of determination flickered to life within me. It was a flame of resilience, a beacon of hope that whispered to me that even in the darkest of times, there was always a way forward.

With newfound strength, I began to cry out again, but this time it was not just a cry of despair – it was a cry of defiance. It was a declaration that I would not be beaten by this darkness, that I would rise up and face it head-on. And as I stood up, slowly at first, then with increasing strength, I knew that I would emerge from this place of sorrow stronger and more resilient than before.