Blogging insights, blog promotion?

This week Tanya gives us this quote to work with, our job is to talk about how we think the quote relates to blogging.

Gary Vaynerchuk

What you do after you create your content is what truly counts.

I blog mostly for myself. However some people follow me and for all of those who do I am eternally grateful to all of you.

I don’t advertise my blog. I know people have searched for certain topics, and have found my blog by doing that.

If that is the case, I am glad, I do tag posts, so that if you are searching for topics and I am writing about said topic it will come up in a google search.

I don’t use seo though.

My blog is a diary of sorts, but as I said, I am happy to find likeminded people who are interested in similar things to me.

I also participate in a lot of wordpress challenges and prompts, and some blog hops, so people probably find me from those too.

However you found me, my thanks goes out to you for sticking with me and continuing to read and comment or like my content.

Blogging Insights — New Format # 36 – Blog Promotion – Salted Caramel (