With humour as our guide

In the realm of words, I shall now inject

A tapestry of thoughts, where meanings intersect

Humour, a delightful companion it shall be

To navigate the depths of pain, you see

Pain, a relentless force that grips the soul

Its tendrils reaching, taking their toll

But fear not, for humour is a potent balm

A salve that eases, bringing a sense of calm

In jest and laughter, we find solace and release

A respite from the ache, a moment of peace

For in the darkest moments, when pain is near

Humour shines a light, dispelling all fear

So let us embrace the power of wit and jest

To navigate the trials, to face the test

For in the tapestry of life, pain may reside

But with humour as our guide, we shall abide.

Written for Di’s 3 things daily prompt.

Three Things Challenge #M472 | pensitivity101 (wordpress.com)