The Friday 4 4th december

Rory is our host for the Friday Four challenge. You can check it out here

Before computers, Smartphones and so on what were you using when writing your stories and creating your literature?
I used a braille machine, I brailled everything out, it was very tidious.
What type of games do you enjoying playing online?
I dont play online games, I dont enjoy them.
What age were you when you first started reading and what were you reading at that age?
I was about 5. I was reading books by enid blyton, and roald dahl, I read them on cassette.
How do you prevent boredom entering into your life and are you able to list 6 effective ways in which others could introduce to stop it from entering theirs?
I try to vary my activities, and try not to do the same things for long periods of time. I am afraid I am not able to list six ways to stop bordum.

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

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