Gratitude list!

Well now that Monday is over, I thought I’d do a little list of things I am thankful for. There really is a lot today! So here goes!

Nitro! I am so proud of him today too!

The fact I don’t have to retire nitro yet! That is such a relief to me!

My therapist! Her support means the world to us.

A hot mug of tea! 😀

A good book! I started a new one, one child by Torey hayden! So far I love it!

Sleep! I went to bed early tonight, and slept for 3 hours, I’ll take that while I get it!

That both of my appointments today were a success!

For good food! And being able to actually cook it myself!

That I am alive! And mostly healthy!

That my dad had a good apt today with the eye specialist!

For my phone! Without it I’d be so lost!

And that my friends sums it up for today!

What are you grateful for today?

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

8 thoughts on “Gratitude list!”

  1. Today I’m thankful for my warm bed and duvet, snuggling with my dog (Roxy) when we woke up, comfort food (jacket potato, tuna, cheese and beans) with my friend, snuggling on the sofa to watch tv and eating ice cream and my blog which has led me to meet some really lovely people! Xxx

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