he’s not a fan

so i just found out that nitros not a fan of britains got talent, lol.
he’s afraid of the noise the buzzers make.
He started shaking when the buzzers went off. Thats the buzzers that the judges use to say that the contestants are not good.
Poor nitro. He’s such a wimpy dog lol.
I ended up going out of the room with him, so I never watched the end of the show.
I’d say his ears were hurting, they are very sensitive to loud noises.
Lots of pats and cuddles will put him right again I’m sure.

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

12 thoughts on “he’s not a fan”

  1. That was very clever of you. I think he would have gotten more and more upset. One of our dogs totally lost it when we used a spot-on anti tick ointment on him, poor thing!


  2. Awww such a sensitive puppy. Poor little thing. Lots of friendly pats for Nitro from me. My Mish Mish is also very sensitive to sounds, all Russian blues are, so Misha knows how it feels and is sending Mishhugs.


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