health and fitness update

so i havent been doing great with my health and fitness lately.

i got out for a walk twice this week. i did two laps of the park next to the residential centre where my ILS course takes place. It takes around 10 minutes to walk 2 laps. i noticed my legs are quite sore, the fronts of them, like from your knee to your ankle. if they werent sore i’d say i’d be able to push myself further.

next week i am going to cut down to just one lap until i build up my fitness level. i would have walked on more days this week but i am not here on friday afternoon or tuesday afternoon due to work experience so i can only go mon tues and friday.

food wise i am doing relatively well. the only thing is i did eat dessert on most nights this week. its so hard to resist it. i really just need to put my mind to it and stick to my guns and say a firm no.

if i am good all week theni can treat myself at the weekend. cora, who works on cooking with me, is going to bring me in some slimming world recipes to try out. next week we’re going to make spaghetti bolognes. i am looking forward to that.

carol anne

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

105 thoughts on “health and fitness update”

  1. All the best with your fitness routine and everything! Remember every little bit counts too. I am in the same boat where I keep getting off my work out schedule and with the winter I have been walking less. I try to work out at home, but I am back to skipping days of working out. Every time I want to get back into doing it seems I have to start slow again and work my way up. I have gained so much weight since I stopped working and immigrated to the USA. Hehe my bad. But lazy tbh. I enjoyed the break a bit too much I think and my body paid the price. :/ I just got a job though (pending a background check that will take up to 10 days) so getting back to work and being out of shape may be really tough at first. But I am hoping it will kick my butt back into gear and being more productive. But yes small things count. When I got hired years ago at a grocery store I didn’t work out, I lost a ton of weight just from eating healthier and walking around that grocery store everyday during my shifts. It shocked me because I wasn’t really trying to lose weight. I didn’t complain though either. 😛

    Something else that I have found out recently that is great for motivation personally as a work out is dancing. You can even research ways to work out to the beat of the music, and your body will break a huge sweat and it will be a great work out. In case you need to switch it up or looking for something that doesn’t quite seem like working out, but it very much is. I have made it part of my work out routine just a few weeks ago. I feel though I need to start amping it up again and pushing myself more.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I immigrated to Michigan where my husband has family etc. It is also not too far from my relatives and family back in Canada (unless my parents decide to move which they have talked about before :P) but it is nice that way. I am originally from Canada.

        I hope you get a chance to move to the USA, or at least visit one day. Trust me only move here for your partner. Compared to Canada, the UK there are a lot of changes that suck. Like no more universal health care, Trump being president etc. I only moved here because of my husband and it was too expensive to have him imigrate to Canada, we tried for two years almost living there. It was the same price here with an immigration lawyer for me to immigrate here than it was to immigrate to Canada without a immigration lawyer. Canada was like 6,000 without a immigration lawyer and our first time doing it etc, no experience there is no guarantee. It was like closer to 5,000 here with all government fees and lawyer fees. And the lawyer was so helpful, they did all our paper work, put together our folder etc. At the immigration meeting (my final process) they only asked my husband and I like three questions each and I was approved because the immigration person knew our lawyer. Things are cheaper here where I live than in Canada, but I have given up things like my health care etc. Canada was more socialism and I think I will miss it. I miss the people too in Canada. I can’t talk politics in here in fear I will piss people off. But their political views are so different than my own. I have sat through many conversations since moving about trump supporters while I roll my eyes and say nothing. Pretend to nod in agreement. xD


      2. Good to hear you have visited a lot! I love the USA and it’s people. I want to even travel more of the states. I just think growing up Canadian and that culture, I feel kind of like an outsider here in the USA. 😛 But it’s not so bad, the people are still very friendly and welcoming etc. His family has been a huge support for us and welcomed me with open arms. I do quite like Michigan as well, it is quieter than most places and it is more north so not so different in some ways and the people like that are quite friendly. I just find myself at odds sometimes like cultural beliefs etc.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Nice! I really want to visit Chicago it is on my to do list. 🙂 New York maybe if I can get over my fear of busy cities and crowds. I hear New York though is a great city to visit though and if I got the chance I would probably visit. My number one to do list for traveling right now in the states is I want to really see the Grand Canyon, I hear it is a one in a life time experience and some say it is indescribable. My dad has been to a lot of places around the world Europe, France, Greece, a lot of places in the states, all around Canada etc and yet he shared with me that the Grand Canyon was in like his top 3 best experiences. I also want to like more of the west coast maybe in the same trip as the Grand Canyon and do Las Vegas as well etc. All in one. But at least the Grand Canyon, I will make it happen one day it is on my bucket list. 😛

        Liked by 1 person

      4. So far I have only been to Alaska (a small part and I want to see more of it. It was beautiful!) Seattle, Michigan where I am now and a few other places. Nothing too amazing though yet 😛 I still have a lot of traveling to do I think here.

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      5. In the future, we may try to have him immigrate to Canada. Maybe when we retire. I really miss the west coast of Canada and living there. He preferred Canada too compared to living in the states, but like I said it was way too expensive to pull it off. 😛


  2. Way to go , I been pretty lucky with weight loss and exercise,, I enjoy my exercise now for I made it an adventure,,I do know those dang dessert temptations are tough,, glad to follow you have great day


  3. That soreness in the front is what we used to call ‘shin splints’ and I had them to the point that they tore and I was on crutches for a long time and it has persisted even decades later if I do too much. So I think it is wise to listen to your body and also if you can wear leg warmers or warm long underwear or sweatpants or something to keep them warm when you are out walking it can help. Maybe there is someone like a doctor or nurse or fitness person who can give you good advice on this? Maybe the standing in front of the computer and doing a little walkjing in place would help start the fitness without doing the harm that the excessive walking outdoors does. It keeps the muscles working a bit, even in the core of your body, but doesn’t strecth them forward too much which can cause the shin splints. Good luck with it, since that can be so frustrating to want to make progress but lack of progress until then can sabotage you. It’s the same with me.


      1. Good luck with it. I am way out of shape and it discourages me, and yet that little bit helps me. I can dance around in place too listening to tunes or justs inging. Every little bit helps!


  4. Sounds like maybe you had shin splints. Having good waking shoes can help and even just slowing down a little can help too.

    I remember when I first started making healthy lifestyle changes sugar was one of the hardest things to give up, but it will get easier.

    I focus a lot on portions, lean protein, and veggies mostly. If you ever wanna chat I’d love to 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Like the other readers posted, it sounds like shin splints. This usually happens to runners when they’re try to increase their speed and using more force/movement in their toes. Its due to the way the anterior compartment tendon’s in the calf wrap around your foot. I’d say you could probably keep with two laps but maybe at a slower pace? Either way, nice post. Glad I’m not the only one who slips up time to time

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  6. Pingback: health and fitness update | Therapy Bits – SEO
  7. You got this! Good luck with your journey and I will be publishing more health/fitness advice posts soon, feel free to check them out 🙂


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