Suck it up buttercup

my emotions are scary. i’m scared. but I was told. suck it up. so suck it up I will. suck it up buttercup. suck it up and deal. the world does not revolve around you. you are just one of millions of people. lots of people get emotional. lots of people find it hard to cope. lots of people have shitty things happen to them. yes. yes they do. so suck it up. deal with it. life goes on. it might go on. but without me. I wont be here. i’m don’e. finished. finite. cant do this any more.

Author: Carol anne

I am in my mid 40's. I'm blind and I have dissociative identity disorder, I also have complex PTSD. I blog about my life with these disorders. I live in Ireland.

28 thoughts on “Suck it up buttercup”

  1. Whoever told you that was being an ass. Your emotions are just as valid as anybody else’s, and you don’t have to bottle them up.

    Please don’t commit suicide. Honestly, you have a lot to live for. Tell whoever told you that to go suck on a cactus because they’re being invalidating, abusive jerks, and you folks are lovely and deserve better. I’m not even sure which of you wrote this post, but you definitely deserve to express your emotions as you feel safe to, and bottling up the emotions only makes it terrible. I know because my system does it too.

    I’m sorry someone was being horrible to you. If you need an ear, let us know.


    Liked by 3 people

      1. Hey there, Wendy.

        I’m sorry you’re having a rough day. I was going to say something a bit more explicit than sucking a cactus, but then Beretta reminded me how painful sucking on a cactus for reals would be. So, here we are. XD

        Nobody should treat you like that. Your emotions have a purpose. For example, anger shows you that somebody is stomping on your boundaries. Sadness lets you know you’ve experienced an injustice. They’re all important.

        I’m glad you’ve not done anything stupid. ❤ But I figured you might need a friendly reminder that you're important and valued just the way you are.



  2. Life is difficult and sometimes we just need someone to tell us it will be ok. And Wendy please don’t do anything. You don’t have to suck it up. ❤


  3. I’ve had peeps say this too me too … they usually aren’t very in touch with themselves and have no other shred of knowledge or thought, to be able to compose something decent to say. Therefore, in my opinion, their ‘knowledge’ isn’t worth knowing.
    You do as you please 😉 ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Ahahaha oh my goodness. I just realized that when WordPress notifies us that you like a comment of ours, it says, “Me liked your comment.” which is absolutely hilarious to me. XD Thank you for putting your blog name as something excellent like that. XD


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